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LK Group

We make sustainable construction easy

Sustainability reports

Here you will find LK's sustainability reports. We are hoping with this to provide a comprehensive view of our sustainability work, our goals and how we are going about achieving them. We hope this report will increase awareness and provide inspiration for further sustainable initiatives, both in-house and externally.

Read and download the report here:

Sustainability report LK 2023

Sustainability report LK 2022

Sustainability report LK 2021

Sustainability report LK 2020

Sustainability report LK 2019

In 2017, we devised a joint brand platform for which all group companies were gathered together under the umbrella of a single brand; LK. Joining forces will place us in a stronger position from which to handle future challenges and opportunities. At the same time, it provides us with a clearer view of our influence from a sustainability perspective. Together, we can develop the business so that both interim goals and overall goals can be attained more effectively. 

Only one of the group's companies is subject to the legal requirement for sustainability reporting, but the decision to report on sustainability for LK as a whole was made at an early stage. As far as we are concerned, it goes without saying that we should play our part in efforts to bring about a better world.

We review our suppliers and inspect our own operations on a regular basis. This sustainability report will help us to ask questions and take action. It highlights the things we do well, while also shining a spotlight on what could be improved. It reinforces our resolve not to rest on our laurels or continue working along the same old lines. We work every day to increase sustainability for our customers, ourselves and the world around us.